Production Lager Ordner Fertigung Stapler


image/svg+xml control execution planning production warehouse work orderscalculation shift schedules Machinery-administration qualityfuse traceability resource-administration work schedule-administration arrears MRP graphiccontrol station instructions goods Receipt Time and attendance

Kolibri can be easily and flexibly adjusted to the production structure of your company and thus optimally supports you in every function. It doesn't matter how simple or how complex the interaction of the individual company processes is.


Planning with all its facets precedes the actual production. With the detailed recording of the resources of machines, employees and work plans, all relevant factors can be taken into account right from the planning phase, and it is ensured that the subsequent production runs smoothly. The module offers the opportunity to track the duration of time for specific steps of production. Recent informations for any calculations are always available for you. With the connection of the control center, you have an overview of production capacities and a tool for the best possible use of your resources.


With the integrated quality assurance, the production process can be monitored, problems are discovered quickly and measures to correct and prevent them can be coordinated. With the management of serialnumbers, the tracing of individual items can be guaranteed over the entire product cycle.


There are interfaces for connecting various production machines, for example Trumpf TruTops®


image/svg+xml Production

Production - Order View
Production - Order View
Production - Positions
Production - Positions
Production - Calculation
Production - Calculation

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